Former M.S (IHBAS)
Head,Department of Neurology,IHBAS
This article describe about the life achievement of that person who is completely dedicated for the patient care services in neurological field. A person not only hard working and sincere but helpful to needy patients. This inspired the other persons too which connected to the patient care services directly or indirectly . Prof. Sunil Pradhan is one of the famous Neurologist in India and presently giving his services at IHBAS,Delhi which is one of the reputed Institute of Northern India for the treatment of different types of Mental disorders e.g Epilepsy,Seizures,Dementia,Alzhiemers,Depression etc.Let us know about the Prof. Pradhan’s work and contribution in the field of neurology in detail:-
Dr Pradhan was born in 1957 in Najibabad ,Bijnaur,U.P. After initial schooling , he graduated from King George's Medical College, Lucknow, in 1979. Did post‑graduation in Internal Medicine in 1983 and DM in Neurology in 1986. After spending some time at Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai; National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore; and The Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, he joined as a faculty the Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, in 1989, where he worked at different faculty positions .In 2007, he joined IHBAS as a Head of Neurology Department and then become a Medical Superintendent of IHBAS in 2008. As a M.S, he did a lot of work in this institute like covering the shelters for the patient to safe them from cold , Install the Banners and Holdings at different locations in this institute for aware the patients and their relatives about the facility and diagonosis of the Neurological treatment. Also one of his major achievements in this institute is the opening of New Electrophysiology Lab which having latest neuro-testing equipments like Biologic 32 Channels Polysomnography Machine which can be extended upto 64 channels , Nicolet 32 Channels digital Portable EEG Machine , Key-Point EMG Machine.This New EPS Lab is of international standards and wooden polish in the lab improve its beuty .All faculty staff of this Institute appreciates for his unique work done in this institute.His name also nominated for the post of Director,IHBAS in 2008 for his hard work and sincerity about his work.Still he is working as a Head and Professor in the Department of Neurlogy,IHBAS and give his important contribution for the treatment of various mental disorders and progress of this Institute.
Dr Pradhan has achieved a unique distinction among the physicians by virtue of describing two new clinical signs in medical literature, one in Duchenne and another in facioscapulohumeral (FSHD) muscular dystrophy.
Dr Pradhan has invented two new electrophysiological techniques. The first to study non‑invasively the intercostal nerves, as there was no technique to study the trunkal nerves. The technique got worldwide recognition with its inclusion as `Pradhan's method' in a textbook published from USA.
Pradhan also elucidated the mechanisms of neurophysiological F‑response generation in health and disease and discovered a new phenomenon of F‑response multiplicity, presence of which was always indicative of lower motor neuron disorder.
Pradhan's work on epilepsy has suggested that the presence of gliosis around a lesion makes the person prone to chronic epileptogenesis with poor seizure outcome. He found that a subset of patients with neurocysticercosis develop perilesional gliosis and show relative drug resistance during anti‑epileptic drug (AED) therapy with a very high rate of seizure recurrence on stopping the treatment. He also described for the first time tickling seizures and micturition induced reflex epilepsy.
Pradhan's novel observation that Japanese‑B encephalitis (JE) virus may sometimes produce lesions selectively in the substantia nigra, has provided clue to the possible role of viruses in the genesis of early‑onset of Parkinson's disease..
Pradhan has also described the diagnostic MRI features of Hirayama type monomelic amyotrophy (in 1997) and this remains so far the only objective method to diagnose this otherwise purely clinical entity. He also described MRI and other features of acute endosulfan poisoning and based on striking similarities with the MRI features of Huntington's disease (lesions of which have high lactate contents), proposed blockade of mitochondrial energy metabolism as a neurotoxic mechanism. He also has another novel observation to his credit, i.e. the description of sheathing of retinal vessels in Tuberous Sclerosis.
Ø ICMR Award for the discovery of a new clinical sign and a new electrophysiological technique in 1994 and 1996 respectively.
Ø Two awards from Indian Academy of Pediatrics, in 1995 and 1996.
Ø Shakuntala Amir Chand Prizes for Clinical Neurophysiology,ICMR,1996
Ø Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize in Medical Sciences, for the year 2002.
Ø BC Roy award would be felicitated by the IMA, Lucknow in 2003 0n Doctors Day
Ø Invited twice by Oxford Muscle Symposium, UK, in 1999 and 2002, to present his clinical signs
Ø Invited by Tokyo Women's University, Japan, in 2002, to talk on his research work on Japanese Encephalitis.
Ø Cervical dural sac and spinal cord in juvenile muscular atrophy of distal upper extremity.
Ø Diamond on quadriceps: A frequent sign in dysferlinopathy
Ø Magnetization Transfer MR Imaging in Patients with Posttraumatic Epilepsy
Ø Seizures and epilepsy in central nervous system Infections in neurology asia 2004
Ø Development of anaplastic ependymoma in Rasmussen’s encephalitis: review of the literature and case report in child nervous system,2006
Ø Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis in HIV-seronegative patients ...Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Volume 101, Issue 1, Pages 25-33, January 2007
Ø Central pontine myelinolysis following ‘slow’ correction of hyponatremia Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery ,November 1995 (Vol. 97, Issue 4, Pages 340-343)
Ø "Tissue Parametric Quantitation in Focal Epilepsy," Department of Radiodiagnosis & Imaging, Sanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, August, 2002.
Ø Valley sign in Becker muscular dystrophy and outliers of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy
Ø What triggers seizures in neurocysticercosis? A MRI-based study in pig farming community from a district of North India in 2007
Ø Intermittent symptoms in neurocysticercosis: could they be epileptic?neurologica asia 2003
Ø Invasive aspergillosis of the brain: Improvement with lyposomal amphoterecin B and itraconazole in neurology India,2007
Ø Calf-Head Sign in Miyoshi Myopathy in archieves of neurology , 2006
He is a good clinican but not a good person.He is very cunning and selfish person.
He is very proudy and rude person also.
me a bmd patient.......from a poor family.......and want to discuss my postion for bmd but dear sir not responding me........pl help me...................giving advise or contact by mail.
He is the person who love his work and fully devoted. My brother is suffering from LG muscular destrophy and someone advise me to meet Dr Pradhan and after meeting i found that he is very simple and hard worker.
i was suffering from brain tb..and was not feeling well for almost 3 yrs..then some one sugeste me to go to dr sunil pradhna..and i started my treatment in eye of dr sunil pradhan..i recoverd slowly and now i m fine..i really thanx to thias sinsere and fine dr in his works..i really very much thankfull to u dr ..thanx a lot..infact i want to meet him once to say thanx in real..he is real dr who love his work siserely ..and treat evrybody siserly.thanx a lott dr .we salute u.
ur patient from IHBAS.
i was suffering from brain tb..and was not feeling well for almost 3 yrs..then some one sugeste me to go to dr sunil pradhna..and i started my treatment in eye of dr sunil pradhan..i recoverd slowly and now i m fine..i really thanx to thias sinsere and fine dr in his works..i really very much thankfull to u dr ..thanx a lot..infact i want to meet him once to say thanx in real..he is real dr who love his work siserely ..and treat evrybody siserly.thanx a lott dr .we salute u.
ur patient from IHBAS.
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