New technology that can absorb toxic chemicals from ground water — a technology that could soon find its way into water purification systems. To refine the method using Dendritic Nanotechnologies' Priostar dendrimer-based nanotechnology. Dendrimers are spheroid or globular structures engineered to carry specific molecules in their interior empty spaces or on their surface.
The primary target for the purification system will be perchlorate — a groundwater contaminant found in several regions — which has been found to adversely affect the health of women by interfering with iodide absorption in the thyroid gland. Researchers believe it will also prove effective at removing and recovering metals such as chromium and lead and contaminants such as arsenic from groundwater.
"Not only this technology serve the legislative and environmental requirements in a cost effective manner.The economic need for a water remediation and recovery system that is cost effective, recovers precious metals for recycling, and releases water that exceeds the Clean Water Act standards back into the environment will be highly desired worldwide.
The primary target for the purification system will be perchlorate — a groundwater contaminant found in several regions — which has been found to adversely affect the health of women by interfering with iodide absorption in the thyroid gland. Researchers believe it will also prove effective at removing and recovering metals such as chromium and lead and contaminants such as arsenic from groundwater.
"Not only this technology serve the legislative and environmental requirements in a cost effective manner.The economic need for a water remediation and recovery system that is cost effective, recovers precious metals for recycling, and releases water that exceeds the Clean Water Act standards back into the environment will be highly desired worldwide.
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