Ø B.Sc , Lucknow University,1966
Ø M.Sc ,Lucknow University,1968
Ø PhD , Lucknow University,1977 (Optical Instrumentation)
Ø Diploma in Russian Language
Passion: Optics, Photonics Instrumentation, Telescopes, Astrophysics etc
Ø Lecturer in Girdhari Singh College, Lucknow, 1969-71
Ø Junior fellow Council of Science and Industrial Research, Lucknow, 1971-74
Ø Joined Indian Institute of Astrophysics(IIA), Kodaikanal, as a Research Associate in 1974-79
Ø Fellow at IIA, Bangalore, 1979-83
Ø Reader at IIA, 1983-89
Ø Principal Scientific Officer : IIA , Bangalore, 1989-1995
Ø Sr.Principal Scientific Officer:IIA, Bangalore, 1995-2006
Ø Visiting Scientist Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, 1992-95
Ø Visiting Professor at University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada, July to December 2003;
Ø Visiting consultant Lions Eye Hospital, Bangalore, 1994-to 2004.
Ø Head : Photonics Division ,IIA 1989-to 2011
Ø Dean (E) and Engineer G, Bangalore, 2006-to 2011
Ø Superannuation from IIA on 20th July 2011 (62 years)
Ø Polarization interferometer technique using a simple device (Babinet Compensator) for the precise quantitative evaluation of optical surfaces and wave front sensing in situation like active and adaptive optics systems.
Ø Designing Optics of Various Sizes for the different type of Telescopes
Ø Sunshield panels for INSAT, 3D imager and sounder coolers and W2M
Ø Synchrotron Radiation Beam Lines (61A, 450 Mev) and Monochromators
Ø Long Trace Profilometer ( Version 1 and 2)
Ø Setting up of Veeco Profilometer for surface metrology & measurement of micro roughness
Ø Set up of Vacuum coating Unit facilities at IIA Bangalore, Kavalur and Hanle Observatories
Ø Setting up of Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy Facilities at Metrology Lab, IIA
Ø 10.5 Micron QWIP Detector
Ø Lyman Alpha Filters
Recipient of Republic Day Award of the National Research Development Corporation for the innovative invention work related to the passive radiant cooler used in VHRR of INSAT II series of satellites.
Ø Articles : 35*
Ø Lectures/Popular Talks: 21*
Ø News and Reports: 6*
Ø Symposium/Conference: 34*
Ø Visiting Worldwide Scientific Institutions: 12*
Ø Supervision of Students for Graduate Studies Project: 4*
Ø Supervised PhD Research Scholars: 4*
Ø Memberships: 8*#
#Memberships in various Scientific Projects as an Advisor/Consultant i.e. BARC, ISRO ; In the Selection Committee for the Recruitment of Scientific/Faculty Posts i.e. IIT ; Member of the International Astronomical Union, Astronomical Society of India, Indian Vacuum Society, Indo French Technical Association ,SPIE etc